Family Law Specialists
JJ Solicitors LLP is a specialist family law practice based in Wadenhoe, Northamptonshire. Our reputation has been built on providing our clients with an exceptional level of service, and on tailoring our services to meet individual needs. As the majority of our clients come to us through personal recommendation, we know they appreciate and value what we do.
JJ Solicitors LLP specialise in:
Dissolution of Civil Partnerships
Financial Remedies (all financial aspects of relationship breakdown)
Private Law Children
Cohabitation Disputes
Prenuptial/Postnuptial Agreements
“It was a big relief, at a time of significant stress and distress, to feel that I could trust JJ Solicitors to take things forward on my behalf. I was able to hand over and concentrate my energies on home and work over this time and I am very grateful for all the skill and support shown.”