Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to our website. This policy explains how we use or otherwise process any personal information we collect from you either through our website or in the course of acting for you.

The UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) is concerned with the collection, processing and security of Personal Data and it gives individuals rights to know what data is held, how it is held, why it is held and to request that it be amended, transferred or destroyed or that the processing of such data be restricted. Personal data is any information about you which used alone, or combined with other information, would enable someone to identify you.  

JJ Solicitors LLP recognises its obligations to comply with the UK GDPR and will ensure that your Personal Data is processed fairly, lawfully and in a transparent manner for specified purposes only. We will also ensure that your Personal Data is accurate and up to date and not kept longer than is needed. It will be processed in accordance with the rights of individuals and kept securely. 

JJ Solicitors LLP is registered with the ICO as a Data Controller under reference number Z1035019.

Why we need to process your Personal Data

JJ Solicitors LLP has to have a reason or Lawful Basis for processing your Personal Data. We have identified our Lawful Bases as follows:

Contract Basis

JJ Solicitors LLP needs your Personal Data to enable us to carry out the work that we have agreed to do for you, the terms of which will be set out in our client care letter/terms of business.  Prior to the issue of the client care letter/terms of business we will take some basic initial steps to set up our files, carry out ID checks etc and will use your Personal Data for these purposes.

Legitimate Interest Basis

There will be occasions on which we need Personal Data from someone with whom we do not have a contractual agreement (for example a third party providing funds to assist with payment of a client’s legal fees) in which case we will be using that Personal Data on the basis that such processing is necessary for JJ Solicitors LLP’s legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of the client.

Legal Obligation Basis

We also need Personal Data to fulfil our statutory and regulatory requirements e.g. anti money laundering and terrorist funding legislation.

How we process your Personal Data

JJ Solicitors LLP will only process Personal Data, in accordance with applicable law in order to responding to your queries, requests and other communications; provide you with legal advice and associated services; develop and improve our business; comply with applicable law, guidelines and regulations or in response to a lawful request from a court or regulatory body.

Your Personal Data is held in electronic form and hard copy.

JJ Solicitors LLP undertakes very little marketing and rarely contact individuals to advertise services.  If and when we do, we will do so in ways that are proportionate, have minimal privacy impact and are likely to be what people might expect (e.g. reminding clients that we hold original documents for them).

Please note that our website uses essential cookies. For more information on how we use cookies, please see our cookie policy.


The types of Personal Data that we process

JJ Solicitors LLP process information for clients and for others in respect of whom such Personal Data is required to enable us to carry out the required work for a client. This includes names, addresses, telephone numbers, website and e-mail addresses; Photo ID (e.g. passports, driving licences); National Insurance numbers, bank account details, occupation, dates of birth, marriage and divorce. 


How long do we keep your Personal Data?

JJ Solicitors LLP will advise you at the end of our contract with you as to how long we will keep your Personal Data.  This is generally six years.

JJ Solicitors LLP destroys files and electronic information.  Therefore once the retention period has expired, the Personal Data will be destroyed or deleted.

Who we pass Data to

In order to satisfy our contractual or legal obligations or for our clients’ legitimate interests, JJ Solicitors LLP may from time to time pass Personal Data to third parties such as barristers, accountants and other professional and also to other bodies in respect of which we are obliged by law to pass Personal Data (subject always to any overriding rights of client confidentiality).  Encrypted Personal Data is also stored on an on-site server and in a “cloud” run by UK based computers.


How do we keep your Personal Data safe?

JJ Solicitors LLP takes all reasonable precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of the Personal Data that you give us.  Personal Data in paper form is held securely in areas of our office to which only our employees have access.  Personal Data held in electronic form is held on password protected computers or is accessed by password protected smart phones.  JJ Solicitors LLP has strict policies concerning files or other information that have to be taken off our premises e.g. for meetings outside the office or to be worked on at home.  Details of these and our other policies concerning security are available on request.

Please note that for ease of use and compatibility, communications will not be sent in an encrypted form unless you require it and provide the information to enable us to communicate with you in that way.  Email unless encrypted is not a fully secure means of communication, therefore please be aware of providing Personal Data (particularly bank accounts) by email.

Who gives us Personal Data?

Occasionally, JJ Solicitors LLP will receive Personal Data from other organisations or professionals prior to us having any contract with the individual concerned (e.g. through referrals from other professionals).  We will contact you as soon as possible to take instructions after receipt of such data and refer you to this Privacy Information Notice.


Your rights (including the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data)

The UK GDPR gives you a number of rights and JJ Solicitors LLP will comply so far as it is able, with any requests that you make in this respect.


Right to access (sometimes also called a subject access request)

You have the right to obtain a copy of your Personal Data – this can help you understand how and why we are using your Personal Data and check that we are doing so lawfully. You have the right to obtain confirmation from us that we are processing your Personal Data and you have the right to have Personal Data rectified if it is misleading or incorrect.


Right to data portability

If we have a contractual relationship with you, or carry out processing by automated means, you have the right to request that we transfer your Personal Data to you or to another data controller in a structured commonly use and machine readable format. This enables you to use and re-use your Personal Data across a number of different IT environments in a safe and secure way.

Right to erasure (or the right to be forgotten)

You have the right to have your Personal Data erases if it is no longer needed or there is no overriding legitimate interest to continue this processing or we have processed the Personal Data unlawfully or we have to comply with a legal obligation.


Right to object

You have the right to request us to stop processing your Personal Data if it is used for direct marketing (JJ Solicitors LLP never use your Personal Data for direct marketing).

The Lawful Basis is for legitimate interests i.e. you are not the client but a third party – if there are legitimate grounds to continue processing the Personal Data which override your interests, the request will be refused.

Right to restrict processing

You have the right to restrict the way that we use your Personal Data. This is usually for a limited period e.g. if you have asked us to investigate the accuracy of the Personal Data that we hold. You may also request that we cease processing it. During this time, we will not process the Personal Data but will simply store it.


If you wish to make a request in respect of any of these rights, you may contact us by post, email website request or by telephone or in person.  We may then contact you to confirm the nature of the request and we may possibly ask you for ID to ensure that we do not disclose Personal Data to the wrong person.  We will then comply with your request within one month of receiving it or of receiving further details or ID if required.  We will provide the information in whatever form you require but please note that we cannot give you remote access to our server.  We will not charge a fee unless the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive or if you have previously requested and received the same information.  We will not provide information about your Personal Data if the request comes from a third party (e.g. another professional or relative) unless that third party provided evidence of its authority to make such a request on your behalf.

We do not sell your Personal Data, buy Personal Data, use Personal Data to make automated decisions about you, or use Personal Data for profiling.

If you wish to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

If you have a complaint we would very much hope that you raise it with us first as we would welcome the opportunity to resolve the issue. However if we cannot do so or if you wish to raise the matter direct with the ICO: 

 Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF. Telephone: 0303 123 1113, website: 

Keeping you informed

This Privacy Notice is held on JJ Solicitors LLP website and at the start of every new matter you will be directed to our website.  At the same time you will be offered the chance to receive in in hard copy.  We review the content on this Notice and its associated policies regularly and if we have an ongoing matter with you, we will notify you of any updates.

Contact details

For queries about the content of this Privacy Notice or for further information or to make a request, please contact our Data Protection Officer, Clare Folgate by email to:, by telephone: 01832 238088 or by post to: 2 Home Farm Close, Wadenhoe, Oundle PE8 5TE