
JJ Solicitors LLP is a specialist family law practice. We deal with all aspects of family law, for people who are married, living together, in a civil partnership, or are parents.

We will work with you to find a way of dealing with your problem, and to achieve an outcome you will feel comfortable with. Wherever possible we will work in a way that minimises hostility and conflict.

See below for more information about our services for Divorce, Dissolution of Civil Partnerships, Financial Remedies, Children (Private), Cohabitation Disputes, and Relationship Agreements.



Whether you are going through a divorce or separation, we understand the stresses and strains and the effects on everyone involved.

Our specialist advice is geared to the particular needs of each individual client. We will give you practical, constructive and cost effective advice, but also manage your expectations in terms of the likely outcome. Our aim is to put your mind at rest, help you move on and safeguard your future.

Dissolution of Civil Partnerships


The position on the breakdown of a Civil Partnership is very similar to that on a divorce.

We can offer appropriate and practical advice in relation to the family and financial aspects and help you achieve a fair financial outcome, which also meets your reasonable needs.

Financial Remedies


Getting a divorce or separating from a partner is relatively simple, but the financial aspects of a relationship breakdown are often complex. Each case is fact specific and we will help you achieve a financial outcome which is fair and meets the needs of you and your family.

We aim to encourage an early resolution of the financial side of a relationship breakdown. We encourage voluntary disclosure of assets and negotiated settlements. We will explore the possibility of non-court dispute resolution or we will guide you through the court process if required, while still seeking a negotiated settlement.

Private Law Children


If a relationship breaks down, the children are your first concern and court proceedings are usually the last resort for resolving any difficulties.

We have many years’ experience of dealing with issues involving children and we will advise you on the options available, including a court application if necessary or in the best interests of your child/children. Wherever possible, we will help you resolve any dispute outside the court process.

Cohabitation Disputes


In English law there is no such thing as a ‘common law marriage’ and couples can live together for many years without either of them acquiring rights over the property or assets of the other. In cases of an unexpected bereavement or relationship breakdown this can lead to complex, expensive and protracted legal proceedings.

We can draw up an agreement that sets out the understanding of each of you in relation to the present and the future, and which details the arrangements you wish to make with regard to assets and property in the event of separation.

Relationship Agreements


The courts are now more inclined to regard pre-nuptial agreements as binding (unless there is a good reason not to do so) and they are increasingly common, especially with second marriages.

We can help you think about the arrangements you wish to consider with regard to assets and property, and will draw up a pre-nuptial agreement or a post-nuptial agreement that is acceptable to both of you.